Thetford Aqua Rinse Concentrate 750ml

Thetford Aqua Rinse Concentrate 750ml
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Thetford Aqua Rinse Plus combines performance with freshness. Designed to be added to the flush water in cassette/portable toilets, it enables a more effective flush and keeps the flush water clean.
  • Concentrated formula; keeps the flush water clean and fresh
  • Pleasant, lavender scent
  • Ensures a more effective and smoother flush
  • Puts a protective coating on toilet bowl when flushed which protects against staining
  • Improves hygiene
  • Environmentally conscious, can be emptied into a septic tank (Test ISO 11734)
  • Prevents scale
  • Lubricates toilet seals
  • Suitable for plastic and ceramic bowls
  • Perfect to combine with Thetford Aqua Kem Green and Thetford Aqua Soft Toilet Paper