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Iceco Drawer Fridge 30L
Can this unit be used to store bags of ice long term
will it keep ice cold
will it keep ice cold
Question by: jenny Wetzell on 15/07/2021, 4:01 pm
The Drawer Fridge can cool down to -10 degrees, however to technically be classified as a freezer, it needs to cool down to -18 decrees, so it will keep the ice frozen.
Answer by: Website Customer Service (WE) on 16/07/2021, 8:36 am
Answer The Question
Do you have the Draw Fridge also in a freezer unit please
Question by: Nicholas J Smither on 19/11/2021, 12:29 pm
Hi Nicholas.
These drawer units only come as a fridge and not a freezer unfortunately. The freezers are either top loading like a chilli bin and also incorporate a fridge or the normal upright fridge / freezer format. Sorry we can't be more of assistance.
Burnsco Webstore
These drawer units only come as a fridge and not a freezer unfortunately. The freezers are either top loading like a chilli bin and also incorporate a fridge or the normal upright fridge / freezer format. Sorry we can't be more of assistance.
Burnsco Webstore
Answer by: Website Customer Service (GC) on 19/11/2021, 12:40 pm