How To Install Cable Steering On My Boat

Cable Length

To work out what length of cable you will need, add lengths 1,2 and 3, subtract 10 cm for every 90 degree bend and add another 20.5 cm to your total.

Fitting Cables to the Helm

  1. Temporarily adding the steering wheel will make it much easier to fit your steering cables.
  2. Push the steering cable into the helm. When it catches you can turn the wheel to pull it the rest of the way through.
  3. Pull the cable through until you hear it click. Use the supplied bolt to lock the cable in place.
  4. Place the supplied cover over any exposed cable to protect it from corrosion.


  1. Cut the hole for the supplied mounting bracket according to the printed template included with the bezel kit.
  2. Fix the mounting bracket in place with the provided nuts and bolts. Use Duralac on the bolts to prevent electrolytic corrosion.
  3. Push the steering helm through and bolt onto the bracket.
  4. Push the bezel cup over the steering helm shaft and screw into place.
  5. Place the Woodruff Key into the slot on the helm shaft.
  6. Slot the steering wheel over the helm shaft and Woodruff Key.
  7. Secure the wheel in place with the locknut. Tighten it thoroughly with a wrench.
  8. Fix the trim cap over the steering wheel.

Connection Kit

  1. Lubricate the cable word and tilt tube with water resistant grease.
  2. Push the cable rod through the engine tilt tube and tighten the butt enough to hold it in place.
  3. Once the rod is installed, it should move horizontally when the steering wheel is turned.
  4. Next, bolt the connection kit to the end of the steering cable rod.
  5. Bolt the other end of the connection kit to the bracket on the outboard.
  6. Now, when the wheel turns, the outboard will move as well.
  7. Once you confirm everything is working properly, tighten all the bolts thoroughly. If they come loose, you can lose steering.

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