Easy Guide To Toilet Chemicals

Chemicals are used in the fresh and waste water tanks of portable and fixed chemical toilets to eliminate odours and keep them hygienic. 


Cleaning essentials available at Burnsco for maintenance and hygieneCleaning essentials available at Burnsco for maintenance and hygiene

Fresh Water Tank 

These toilet chemicals are added to your fresh water tank to help keep it smelling fresh.

Waste Water Tank 

Adding a toilet chemical to your waste water tank helps to break down waste and eliminate odours. Toilet chemicals for the waste tank are available in bottles or sachets for convenience.



In addition to toilet chemicals, there are other products to help make using your toilet a more pleasant experience. 

Do you have any questions?

Please, contact our friendly team on 0800 102041 or email: website@burnsco.co.nz

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We provide general information on products, not personal advice.  Always seek the help of a relevant tradesperson if you have a technical query.